First 30 days are free. Just pay for shipping! Then $37 (+S&H) per month for 5 months. Cancel anytime.
Terms: Check the box above and hit the 'Add to Cart' button above to receive your 100% FREE collection of Yoga Burn Monthly. All that I ask is that you take care of your shipping. If you’re super impressed with Yoga Burn Monthly and want to keep your membership, it will only cost $37 per month plus shipping and handling. You can cancel your membership at anytime. If you do not cancel your membership at some point within the next 30 days, your first payment will be processed 30 days from today just before your second Yoga Burn Monthly collection is sent to you. (Watch the video above to learn about everything you’re receiving with Yoga Burn Monthly!)

Hello Hello!
In case you don’t know me this is Zoe Bray Cotton – Creator of
the best-selling Yoga Fitness System For Women – Yoga
When I looked back at all of the amazing support
I’ve been so blessed to have
received from so many women all
over the world, I made it a
mission to find another
way to give back to this
wonderful community that
I’m so lucky to be a part of.
And I’m super excited to share the end result of this year long mission that I’ve been on, with you, right now, today…

I think you’re really going to love it!
Today, I have a totally unique, very special gift worth $37 that I’ll be sending out to a limited number of supporters and devote Yoga Burn customers. This special FREE GIFT that can be sent right to your doorstep is a brand spanking new copy
of my newly released Yoga DVD series
- Yoga Burn Monthly.

You see, in celebration of Yoga Burn monthly’s launch and to help get the word out about this amazing Yoga Series I’ve set aside a limited number of copies to send out absolutely free to some of today’s customers such as yourself.
All I ask is that you please do me the favour of hearing what Yoga Burn monthly is all about and be honest with yourself about whether or not you’ll give it a try before you have me send you a free copy...
Although I’m more than happy to pay for your copy of Yoga Burn Monthly, I do only have a limited number I’ve set aside to send out as gifts and I’d just like to make sure the gift copies I send out get put to good use.
I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating Yoga Burn Monthly with the goal of helping women master each of the amazingly unique and breathtakingly beautiful styles of Yoga over the course of 6 months.

Month 1 Restorative

Month 2 Hatha

Month 3 Kundalini

Month 4 Ashtanga

Month 5 Iyengar

Month 6 Vinyasa
Yoga Burn Monthly promises to deliver you just so much more than any traditional program ever could – This program is my personal pride and joy so to speak because it’s so super well rounded, thorough and true to traditional yoga.

In Yoga Burn Monthly we concentrate on mastering each major style of Yoga with my major focus being on teaching you how to maximize the life changing benefits each of these fascinating styles of yoga can deliver.
You’ll not only know how to masterfully execute each major style of Yoga, but I’ll get you to a place where you can naturally feel what style of Yoga is best for you depending on your personal needs at various points in your life…
I truly believe acquiring this ability was a big key to my own emotional and spiritual health and personal happiness.
And ultimately, inside of Yoga Burn Monthly I’m going to get you to a place where you yourself can share and pass along yoga expertise to other people you care about so that they may also be able to experience the tremendously positive effects true Yoga brings to one’s life.
Here’s How
Yoga Burn Monthly Works:
Once per month, for six consecutive months’ you’ll receive a package in the mail consisting of follow along DVD’s jam packed with your trainings, flows and programs along with whatever surprise bonus goodies I have in store for you that month!
And by the end of the six months I can pretty much promise you’ll be looking back shaking your head in disbelief when you realize just how much Yoga you’ve learned, mastered and are now able to pass on.
And on top of everything, when you attain a newfound mastery over your personal state of well-being in body, mind and spirit you’ll very likely find yourself thriving in your day to day life in ways you never thought possible.
Now, Yoga Burn Monthly costs just $37 per month plus shipping and handling for everyone that’s actively enrolled in this very exclusive 6-month program.
However, as we talked about, as a special gift from me to you I want to send you the entire first month of Yoga Burn Monthly for free…Just take care of your shipping and see for yourself how valuable and life changing this program can be….

And if for whatever reason at the end of your first free month you’re not absolutely blown away by Yoga Burn Monthly, no hard feelings - just cancel your membership by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at (866)-730-7334, and keep the entire first month as my gift to you just for giving Yoga Burn Monthly a try.
Yet, if you are absolutely thrilled by your free month of Yoga Burn monthly like I’m confident you will be and you’d like to carry on with this exclusive program, it’ll just be $37 per month plus shipping for the remaining months – And of course you cancel at any time.
So there’s absolutely no risk to you – Just try out my free gift to you to see if it’s something you wouldn’t want to be without!
Does that sound fair enough?
Lets take a little sneak peek at some of what you’ll be receiving in your free month of Yoga Burn monthly:
Much of Yoga Burn Monthly’s first edition is dedicated towards reaping the rewards and mastering the art of restorative Yoga.
True restorative Yoga is one of my absolute favourite styles of Yoga that I simply can’t do without because of the amazing health and emotional benefits this relaxational style of Yoga delivers.
Just a few of the amazing and
most common benefits women
experience with restorative yoga include:
Improved circulation throughout the body including major organs.
Increased energy and flexibility
Significantly improved quality of sleep
Vast reduction of all forms of stress and anxiety
Dramatically improved healing and recovery of both body and mind
Enhanced focus and concentration
Noticeably improved posture
And an overall sense of well being that simply radiates pure positivity.

Trust me- I’ve got you covered every step of the way with this deeply relaxing and totally rejuvenating approach to restorative yoga and I think you’re going to love it!

Included Bonuses
And I’ve also got 3 bonus video collections lined up for you inside of your free package. These are bonus video collections that can only be found inside of the first edition of Yoga Burn Monthly.
For example: One of the bonus collections you’ll receive is a video library packed full of detailed and in depth Yoga Pose Tutorials which walk you through how to properly execute and feel a wide range of fundamental and advanced yoga poses.
Just this collection alone conservatively consists of many months worth of Yoga education that you’ll now have at your fingertips any time you want to learn something new, or perfect your form of any yoga pose.

On top of this bonus pose tutorial collection I’m also including 2 brand new, special yoga video collections unlike anything we’ve talked about so far.
Bonuses that are going to absolutely knock your socks off and leave you and scratching your head wondering how the heck I was able to give you all of this for free!
I can’t even explain how excited I am for you to experience everything this first edition of Yoga Burn monthly has in store for you.
I’m so very proud of every single video collection I’ll be sending you for free and I’m super humbled to be offering you the chance to try them all out for yourself and asking you to let me know what you think.
Just click the ADD TO CART button below and I’ll have the free first edition of Yoga Burn Monthly and all 3 special bonus collections sent right to your doorstep.

First 30 days are free. Just pay for shipping! Then $37 (+S&H) per month for 5 months. Cancel anytime.
Terms: Check the box above and hit the 'Add to Cart' button above to receive your 100% FREE collection of Yoga Burn Monthly. All that I ask is that you take care of your shipping. If you’re super impressed with Yoga Burn Monthly and want to keep your membership, it will only cost $37 per month plus shipping and handling. You can cancel your membership at anytime. If you do not cancel your membership at some point within the next 30 days, your first payment will be processed 30 days from today just before your second Yoga Burn Monthly collection is sent to you. (Watch the video above to learn about everything you’re receiving with Yoga Burn Monthly!)

Check out some recent 5 Star reviews from our Yoga Burn Facebook Community!
*Results May Vary

Marilyn Colon The best program I’ve done!! You see the results quickly. Thank you!!!!

Trish Keckison Benedetti My friends and I do this 2-3x’s week. we LOVE it. I have to say I’ve never felt stronger. The meditation at the end is really wonderful

Donna Louise Comstock It’s going to sound crazy. I started right after thanksgiving. I have lost 10lbs, 4 inches off my waist and the measurment a bit bellow the belly button, 6 inches off my thigh area, 1 1/2 inches off each arm. I do pay attention to my food choices but I don’t deprive myself. I can wear a pair a jeans that have always been skin tight even when I bought them that are loose on me!

Tara-lee Anne Bohnet-Krusel I absolutely love yoga burn! I am 46 years old and feel so great! And my body well it’s in the best shape it’s ever been in, since doing yoga burn! It’s so worth it!

Erica Day Cassie Schulte, this is what I’ve been doing and love it and how it makes me feel

Rachel Presland Zoe, I have been practicing Yoga burn with you at least 3 morning a week for over 6 months now. I never thought I would stick at anything this long and I feel so amazing! My flexibility at 46 is better now than in my 30’s and I love how my body is toning. Thank you for your inspiration.

Amanda Williams I have only had the Yoga Burn program for a few weeks but I am loving it and I have already purchased the Monthly series baes on what I’ve done so far. Will be adding the Booty series next. This is the only program I’ve found where I have been incredibly challenged but still enjoy it. I amd sore afterwards and still want to be doing some more. I’ll admit - I’m kind of obsesses with it!

Cherith Griffith I have been using this program for a year and a half. I have lost 40 pounds and several inches. Thank you, it really works.

Rhonda Baker Bessett I’m 58, started 7 weeks ago...down a pant size. I’ve been a member of gyms for over 25 years. I have a current gym membership I haven’t used in seven weeks and I’m getting ready to drop it because it didn’t wke near as well as Yoga Burn did. Yoga buen, like any exercise, is not a quick fix, but once you get into it, it’s addictive and it works! Zoe is a great instructor and walks you through each step. You can go at your own pace at home. From personal experience, I highly recommend Yoga Burn!!!!

Deena Duda I have a horrible neck and back. I work at a desk 8 hrs a day which makes it even worse. I have been doing these workouts in the morning (only one set in the morning) and again at night and I have no more back pain at work! I feel so great! It worked from day one! If all I get out of this is back relief it was 100% worth it!

Ann Gendon I have the CD’s and the download on my phone!!!! I can do YOGA BURN ANYWHERE ANYTIME!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

Gayle Lofgren I love Yoga Burn! Have been doing it since March and have lost 20 pounds and am in the best shape in my life!!

Angela Ressa This is, hands down, the best yoga program I have ever purchased. It’s for all ages and stages. The price is amazing for what you get, online version and dvd set. Plus the beautiful community here. Yogi Zoe and her Mum are brillian. It’s the best. Can’t recommend it enough.

Carol Lynn Hayden I started at 58 with a BAD back and neuropathy troubled legs. Zoe’s program rehabbed me when Docs and PTs could not. I have my life back, YAY!

Ravi Respeto It has changed my life- three years in at 44 my body has changed but more importantly it has been a huge stress relief and taught my better endurance and focus! Start this program today, you will not regret it or taking care of yourself and priotitizing your well--being- I am a single mom of three and in a leadership role with my organizing so a lot of commitments in my life but I make an appoitment to myself 4 times a week for yoga

Lesley Ulloa YOGA BURN I finishes Yoga Burn through the Final Pase a few weeks back. It was AMAZING! I am in month 2 (Hatha Yoga) of YB Monthly & I finished week 2 of Booty today & I can already see & feel a difference back there & in my legs.

Kerrie Gray Worth every single cent!!! Do it - it will change your life

Lisa Heeter Zimmer I was skeptical because I wasn’t sure about doing this at home routinely. Now I’m addicted! At first I was terrible at this. I emailed the support team and got a real answer back tailored to my question. Amazing! I’m 57 and have osteoarthritis; Zoe’s guidance through each practice has changed my life. Thank you!

Shari-Anne Fletcher Hi Shelly! I honestly think the way the yogaburn program makes you feel will be your motivation.. once you start, get into a rhythm with it, you will be addicted to it like all of us ladies are!!! A lot of us have found this is the first program that we have committed to about all of the many, many others we have tried!

Wendy Tanner I love these Yoga Burn workouts. Zoe is a great instructor!

Laura Dulski It just struck me, as I’m arriving to work walking down the hall, how really good I feel physically. I’m 50 and have been doing a combination of Burn, Booty and the Monthly series for past few months. Because I enjoy them I’ve been able to stay with them consistently. My legs, back and shoulders just feel strong and little aches I used to have have vaniushed. Honestly, I feel a little younger these days. Stick with this ladies, it about more than just losing weight. Have a great day!

Eleanor Schmutz YOGA BURN my daughter wants me to show off my transformed body, lmfoa, I think it is MORE important to say THANK YOU to the yoga burn tribe. Smooches squeezes and big love to y’all.

Leah Johnston Yes it helps to tone and strengthen everything

MaryBarbara Hanna What convinced me to try it was Zoe’s comment: You’ve spent more on workout clothes than this dvd set. No kidding. If I can spend $45 for yoga pants (and 2 pair, so $90) I can buy the dvds. And I did. And they are awesome. Each Yoga Burn workout is 45 minutes, consisting 3 rounds of the same 15 minutes. By the end of the week every part of your body is worked out, stretched out, and loved…especially your spirit.

Sara Hanley Butler I’ve just completed my second round of Yoga Burn. This is the best home exercise program I have ever tried! Now on to YOGA Booty!

Donna McCaw Oh my word! I have lost 2 dress sizes!

Debbie Nutter Rogers I am 51 and in my 14th week . I see many changes in my body. This stuff is amazing. I have tried several different types of workouts from HIIT training to lifting weights. Nothing worked like this does. Amazing program.

Get Started On Your
Yoga Burn Journey Today!

First 30 days are free. Just pay for shipping! Then $37 (+S&H) per month for 5 months. Cancel anytime.
Terms: Check the box above and hit the 'Add to Cart' button above to receive your 100% FREE collection of Yoga Burn Monthly. All that I ask is that you take care of your shipping. If you’re super impressed with Yoga Burn Monthly and want to keep your membership, it will only cost $37 per month plus shipping and handling. You can cancel your membership at anytime. If you do not cancel your membership at some point within the next 30 days, your first payment will be processed 30 days from today just before your second Yoga Burn Monthly collection is sent to you. (Watch the video above to learn about everything you’re receiving with Yoga Burn Monthly!)